Taurus Car Club Of America Discount Page
This page lists all the companies currently offering members of the TCCA discounts on merchandise. Click on the company banner to go to their page.

Darryl Lum, owner of Autophysics.com has offered a special deal to TCCA members on a cold air conical performance air intake system for 3rd Generation Taurus'. This includes a cone filter, polycarbonate heat shield, cold air intake hose, a filter maintanence kit, and free shipping for only $150. If you have any questions, you can email him @ Darryl R. Lum

TCCA President June H. Han has recently become an independant Amsoil dealer and is offering a 15%-20% discount on all Amsoil products. For more information, please visit Amsoil and for a price quote or to place an order, please email him @jhan@cinci.rr.com

Performance Products
TCCA member Tom Leser not only ordered himself a Superchip at a great price + free shipping, but also secured a the same discount and service for other members. Even though the company that offers the chips does not have a webpage up yet, you can get in touch with the President, Mike Troyer, via E-mail @ MTroyer@compuserve.com or by Phone @ (540) 862-9515

Mike, from Amsoil Products has offered a 10% Discount for TCCA Members on any and all Amsoil products. The company has superior oil and filters. Check around the site. There is a lot of nice stuff. Scroll down his site on the left for the TCCA Members link for more info.

Darryl Lum, the owner of AutoPhysics.com makes performance air filters that outflow everyone. TCCA Members can get either free shipping or a filter cleaning/oiling kit for $10.00

MRE Makes custom applications for Taurii. Management is still talking with MRE about discounts.

The TCCA is still negotiating with Erebuni to get a 20-30% discount on all body kits, spoilers, and other merchandise.

NOPI has offered all TCCA members a 5% discount on ALL merchandise. Check out the link for info.